Note: During the winter of 2008 I switched from ATT
phone service to Cox Communications cable phone service.
The first thing that I noticed was that even with all my
filters in place, I had considerable phone interference on
160 meters once again! The clue to the solution was that
the level of interference was exactly the same on every
phone in the house. This suggests a common mode source
problem with the new equipment Cox installed at the
service entry. This was readily resolved by grabbing a
block of ferrite and running about 10 turns of telephone
cable through it and then mounting it at the service
entry. The problem went away completely. Apparently common
mode RF was flowing right over my service entry filters
and entering the Cox installed phone modem. The choke
keeps the RF out and the problem is gone.
Path: Service entry block at left > through
ferrite block > .01uf bypass to ground > DSL
Filter (seen at top) > distribution terminals at
Ferrite block
with 10 turns of phone wire to eliminate common mode