OpenHPSDR mRX PS Preset Transmit Profiles


These are the transmit profiles that I am using with the current CFC Audio Tools version of OpenHPSDR mRX PS. That means that they will only work with version 3.4.1 or later! You can preview them in the short videos below to see if there is anything here that interests you. I get excellent reports for clarity and good fidelity with all the profiles but keep in mind that you should make appropriate level and EQ changes to optimize the imported profiles for your voice and audio setup.

Right click on the links below and choose the "Save As" option to download whichever collection of TX profiles you would like to try out. Note that all of these profiles utilize the CFC Audio Tools and are optimized for my external audio rack, which is set to produce a flat audio response. This doesn't mean that it won't work with your audio source, however, to get the best result you might need to adjust the PRE EQ (Equalizer) to flatten out the audio response of your audio source.
All of the profiles utilize the VAC1 input path, so if you are using either the MIC IN or the LINE IN path, you would need to click on the VAC1 button to disable it, and then go to the Transmit tab in Setup and select the audio source you wish to use. When that is done, save the profile and it should work with your audio source path. Obviously, you should observe the MIC level with the TX Meter to make adjustments to the MIC gain so the level of your audio source is optimal. These steps will be necessary for each TX profile that you import.
The first TX profile archive contains eight different SSB profiles from 2.8K to 3.8K.   (24k file size)

This archive file contains the transmit profiles shown in the list below. Each profile that you wish to use will need to be imported individually into OpenHPSDR mRX PS using the procedure outlined at the bottom of this page.

SSB 2.8K VAC1   (100 to 2900)
SSB 3.0K VAC1   (60 to 3060)
SSB 3.1K VAC1   (60 to 3160)
SSB 3.2K VAC1   (50 to 3250)
SSB 3.3K VAC1   (50 to 3350)
SSB 3.4K VAC1   (50 to 3450)
SSB 3.5K VAC1   (50 to 3550)
SSB 3.8K VAC1   (30 to 3830)

The video below is provided to give you a preview of what these SSB profiles sound like with the ANAN-200D driving my ALS-1306 amplifier to 1KW.      (6k file size)

This archive file contains the two AM transmit profiles shown in the list below.
AM 10K VAC   (0 to 4999)
AM 12K VAC   (0 to 6000)

The video below is provided to give you a preview of what these AM profiles sound like with my ANAN-200D driving my ALS-1306 to 150 watts of carrier with peaks reaching 600 watts.


For a complete overview of the process I would suggest that you read the excellent documentation provided by Chris - W2PA in the release notes. A copy is available here:

If you already know your way around, the steps below should be enough to get you going:

After extracting the transmit profiles from the zip archives, to import a profile, click on "Import Database" at the bottom of the OpenHPSDR menu and then browse to the location of the extracted profile(s) on your hard drive as shown in the image below. Select the profile, and then click on "Open".

The new automatic profile utility will import the transmit profile into the correct part of your database.xml file. Note that OpenHPSDR mRX PS will shut down and prompt you to restart OpenHPSDR mRX PS each time you import a transmit profile.


Note that if you are using the MIC IN audio path and a microphone that requires the 20dB boost option you will need to enable that option manually and then save the profile. Also, if the ALC Comp meter does not show several dB of ALC compression during normal speech, an easy way to increase the over-all gain going into to the CFC components would be to increase the Leveler Max Gain setting from the default 5 to a slightly larger value. As an alternative, you could increase the CFC POST GAIN slider until you see the desired ALC Comp response.

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